Posts Tagged ‘sectional rehearsals’
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Fall 2013! Please sign in.
Thank you again for your splendid performance last Tuesday night. What a rich, romantic sound you made! Our soloist and small groups did a wonderful job. Special thanks to Chris and David for their magnificent playing.
If, for any reason, you did not sing at our concert, please see me tonight. If you had already spoken to me of your absence, please remind me.
Thanks as well to all who attended sectionals at noon on Saturday. Do your best to attend this Saturday as we have only 4 more Tuesday rehearsals before our November 24 dress rehearsal with orchestra.
Sunday, 11/24/13, 5:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Dress Rehearsal with
location TBA
Sunday, 12/01/13, 3:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
Church of the Epiphany
Haydn: Mass in Time of War
Sunday, 12/08/13, 3:00 pm -Note: this is a change (10-11-13)
Concert with the WMPO
T. C. Williams High School
Haydn: Mass in Time of War
Tuesday, 12/03/13, 7:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal
Tues 12/10/13, 7:30 pm
Chorus/Band/Jazz Band Concert
Tags: attendance, class schedule, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2013 | Comments Off on Eighth Rehearsal Preview
Thursday, October 17th, 2013
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Thanks you for your splendid performance on Tuesday night. What a rich, romantic sound you made! Our soloist and small groups did a wonderful job–adding a nice variety of texture and tone to the Liebeslieder.
Special thanks to Chris and David for their magnificent playing. It was artistry of the highest order. Such a generous gift to us and to our audience.
We will have sectionals at noon on Saturday. I cannot be there as I am needed to help my daughter Brie get back on her feet. I would like for section leaders to take you through as much of the Haydn mass as they can until 12:45 pm. Then Chris will meet you in the choir room and take you through with piano until 1:15 pm. It’s going to be fun.
Section Leaders- Try to have a boom box and the your reh CD. Should you be unable to be there, be sure to get a substitute. If I nee to help with that , let me know.
Tags: dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2013 | Comments Off on Thank You
Tuesday, March 5th, 2013
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Spring 2013! Please sign in.
Once again, thanks for a great Black History Month Celebration. It was everything I had hope.
Thanks to those who were able to attend Sunday night’s rehearsal with the orchestra. Brava! to our soprano soloist, Lika, who was amazing!
Tonight I will dismiss at 8:55 pm (no break)
9:00 pm – Small Chorus
9:20 pm – Music Majors Mid-term ( # 8 starting at reh sq 27)
9:40 pm – Britten soloists- Lika, Claire, Francisco, Matt
Small Chorus
Soprano- Peggy, Terri, Jamaica, Judy R
Alto- Annette, Debbie, Jane, Pat
Tenor- John, Bill R, Kris
Bass-Larry C, Bill B, Mike, DeMarcus
This Saturday 3/9 is Women at 3 pm.
This Sunday 3/10 is our 5:00 pm Mandatory Dress Rehearsal
Bishop Ireton High School (301 Cambridge Rd., Alexandria)
We will be in the cafeteria. I know you will make this best of a less that perfect situation.
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Spring 2013 | Comments Off on Eighth Rehearsal Preview
Monday, September 17th, 2012
From Section Leader Debbie: FYI…. These are low-key — no, I don’t mean we sing everything just a little bit flat– and always helpful.
From Ellie: I invite altos from both choruses to an optional alto sectional rehearsal at my home next Monday, September 24, 7:30 to 9:00 pm. It would be wonderful if someone who can actually play the piano can come and help with notes; I have a keyboard but very little skill. We can work on whichever pieces you most feel need the focus.
If there is a desire for it, I can host another sectional on October 29.
Allergy warning: I have two cats. Let me know if you prefer that I sequester them. One of them is excessively friendly.
Time: 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Contact Ellie for directions.
Tags: sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Alto Sectional Rehearsal
Friday, September 7th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,
What a joy it was to hear you sing last Tuesday. You made real music on just the 2nd rehearsal! That is a remarkable accomplishment and a testimony to your focus and hard work.
Tomorrow at 12:30 pm we have Men’s Rehearsal. (Please note the time). We will work on Concert III. See everyone on Tuesday.
Tags: dr. whitmire, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2012 | Comments Off on Second Rehearsal Recap
Saturday, February 11th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Reminder:
Tenor Rehearsal today 12:00 noon-12:45 pm
Women’s Rehearsal 1:00-2:15 pm
Tags: dr. whitmire, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Spring 2012 | Comments Off on Rehearsal Reminder
Monday, January 16th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- We had an excellent Women’s Rehearsal on Saturday. We found the beginnings of some beautiful moments in Songs of Sunset. Tomorrow we will work on Delius mm 130-187. Attached is the first movement for those of you who did not purchase the Rehearsal CD. The remaining movements will follow. Listen to how lush and beautiful this music is. See you tomorrow.
mm 1-48
mm 130-187
mm 358-412
mm 469-end
[Admin note: Music files are listed on the music files page.]
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals, resources, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Spring 2012 | Comments Off on Songs of Sunset
Friday, January 13th, 2012
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers- Thanks for a great first rehearsal on Tuesday. Starting new music is always hard work, but you stayed focused and accomplished a lot. As you know, we have rehearsal tomorrow at 1:00 pm for Women. We will rehearse Delius mm 1-48, plus Jazz Mass Introit, Sanctus, and Offertory. I hope to see you then.
mm 1-48
mm 130-187
mm 358-412
mm 469-end
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Spring 2012 | Comments Off on First Rehearsal Post
Friday, November 25th, 2011
From Dr. Whitmire:
Hello Tenors-
Chris has generously offered to hold a sectional on Monday night at her place. Please let her know if you can attend.
christine [dot] hagan [at] comcast [dot] net
As you know, we need the practice time.
Tags: sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on Tenor Rehearsal on Monday
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011
From Chorister Ellie:
Extra optional sing-through at Ellie Briscoe’s house.
(You have all the info — cat warning, address, etc.)
7:30-9:00, and optional time from 9:00-9:30 for small chorus if anyone wants to stay on or just come for that. I know it’s late but…
Tags: sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on Alto Rehearsal on Monday
Sunday, November 13th, 2011
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I got back from Haiti early this morning. While it was a very difficult trip physically and emotionally, it was also very powerful and fulfilling.
It was great to read the accounts by Peggy, Fred, Chris, Wendy and others about how wonderfully you performed on Friday. I never had a doubt. You are a wonderful group. Special thanks to Peggy, Fred, and Chris for their leadership.
If, for any reason, you did not attend the concert, please contact me immediately. If you have already spoken to me about your absence, please send a message to remind me.
This Saturday, November 19, 1-2:15 pm, we will have a full rehearsal (SATB) on Rachmaninoff. Please make every effort to attend.
I look forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday.

MW and Hope at Wings

MW sifting gravel

The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption Port-au-Prince
Tags: attendance, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals, schedule, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on From Dr. Whitmire
Saturday, October 29th, 2011
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Please remember our vow: that each of us would spend three hours preparing Chichester Psalms for tomorrow’s concert. Its a nice rainy day – perfect for completing your preparation.
MEN- Please come to our rehearsal today at 1:00 pm.
Here is our Rachmaninoff Small Chorus [see e-mail for list]. We will rehearse at the end of full rehearsal this Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Sing #5, #6, #13, #18
Plus Choir I on #14, #19
Tags: attendance, dr. whitmire, rehearsals, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on Rehearsal Reminders
Tuesday, October 4th, 2011
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 6th rehearsal of Fall 2011!
Please sign in.
Concert Flyers-Take some and post them in high-profile places.
Hagan Recital Flyers (.pdf) – Take some and post them in high-profile places.
Tickets – See your Section Leader. I hope that each singer will sell five tickets at $10 each (Half price). Cash or checks to WMPA.
Thanks to all who auditioned for the solos in Chichester Psalms. Our soloists will be: S-Michelle McHugh, A-Shellie Grant, T-Jon DeHart, B-Brandon Homayouni
Music Majors Mid-term is Tuesday, October 18. Exam passages will Rachmaninoff # 5, 6, 13, 18
Auditions for non-majors who want to sing Rachmaninoff # 5, 6, 13, 18 will be October 25.
Schedule (same as your chorus schedule)
This Sat. Oct. 8, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Full SATB rehearsal, AT130
This Sunday, Oct. 9, 5:00 pm – Dress Rehearsal, Bishop Ireton HS
Next Tuesday, October 11, 7:30 pm – Hagan Recital, Schlesinger Center
Next Sat. Oct. 15, , 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Full SATB rehearsal, AT130
Next Sunday, October 16, 3:00 pm – Concert at Bishop Ireton HS
Schedule change (posted 9/27)
Sunday, October 30, 3:00 pm – Concert at Epiphany
Sing Well -DrW
Tags: auditions, dr. whitmire, performances, rehearsals, schedule, section leaders, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on Sixth Rehearsal Preview
Tuesday, September 20th, 2011
From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 4th rehearsal of Fall 2011!
Please sign in.
Please proof the Roster one more time
If you are registered as a Senior, please consider making a donation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated.
Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy, peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com
Alto-Debbie, peetz [at] rand [dot] org
Tenor-Larry, lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray,, rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net
Please note Concert Dress Information sheet. [Admin: See September 7th entry -or – Attire guidelines are listed in the Performance Guidance (.pdf) document, always posted to the right.]
Thanks to all the women who attended rehearsal on Saturday. We had at great turnout. This Saturday at 1:00 pm is Men’s rehearsal.
Auditions for the solos in Chichester Psalms will be next Tuesday, September 27. Audition passages will be pp 15-16 and p40. I strongly encourage all Voice Majors to audition.
Music Majors Mid-term is Tuesday, October 18. Exam passages will Rachmaninoff # 5, 6, 13, 18
Sing Well -DrW
Tags: attendance, auditions, dr. whitmire, rehearsals, schedule, section leaders, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on Rehearsal Preview
Wednesday, September 14th, 2011
From Alto Section Leader Debbie: Good afternoon! Just a few reminders for you and me:
This Saturday, Sept 17th, is an optional rehearsal for chorus women — 1 PM at NVCC (I regret I will not be able to join you.)
Next alto sectional at Ellie’s is the last Monday of September, the 26th, 7:30 PM
She will host another on Monday, October 3rd.
Please let Ellie or me know if you’re planning to attend.
I will DEFINITELY be there on the 26th…. The music this semester is very challenging.
Tags: altos, rehearsals, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on Alto Reminders
Thursday, September 8th, 2011
From Alto Section Leader Debbie: Good morning. Ellie responded to a question from Halina and Jane about Tuesday’s rehearsal and I thought we could all profit from her answer:
From Ellie: Here’s what I was trying to remember earlier:
We are not singing Rach. 7, 9, 10, 15.
Rach. 5,6,13,18 are to be done by audition and music majors are required to audition.
He’s aware that the recording for A1 for 13 is truncated at the first page.
Rach 3, stop at the end of the 4th bar on top system, page 19, before “Gospodi.”
He didn’t say it explicitly but implied the double chorus No. 14 will also be by audition. He didn’t say how it would be divided.
He also wants the music majors to populate the front row of each section.
Chichester: learn pages 27-20 for sure before next rehearsal.
Men’s extra rehearsal is this weekend.
Tags: altos, rehearsal tracks, rehearsals, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on Note for Altos
Thursday, August 18th, 2011
From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
-Sadly, Vocal Seminar is being cancelled (the guitar players win). But there is still time to join Basic Musicianship or Beginning Class Voice.
-Also, tt would be a big favor if several of you could move your chorus registration to MUS 23702a. This is the section that allows us to have Saturday rehearsals. Its just a book-keeping matter, but would be helpful if its not to much trouble.
-Since there will be no Vocal Seminar, our Saturday Rehearsals will move back to the old time slot:
1:00-2:15 pm.
See you soon!-DrW
Tags: dr. whitmire, rehearsals, schedule, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2011 | Comments Off on Vocal Seminar
Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
From Section Leader Debbie: Ellie has suggested and offered to host VERDI rehearsals… See
below. Please let me know your interest in participating by reply to: deborah_peetz [at] rand [dot] org
From Ellie: Since we know most people don’t have standing commitments on Tuesdays, how’s about in December after chorus is over, I host Tuesday “Verdi” sectionals, to sing through the Requiem and get somewhat familiar with it? People will already have the practice CD. I could open that to sopranos, too, or even
anyone who wants to come; then maybe we’d have half a dozen folks show up.
Or, I could set them up for Mondays, and begin next week; if he keeps telling us which movements he’s going to work on we can anticipate them.
We have I think four class sessions left before the end of chorus, and the second performance of “Judas” is after the last one.
Tags: altos, rehearsals, sectional rehearsals, verdi requiem
Posted in Fall 2010, Spring 2011 | Comments Off on Optional Alto Rehearsals
Monday, October 11th, 2010
From Alto Section Leader Debbie: First, my apologies if this arrives in your inbox and you are NOT singing
with the chorus this semester. I modified last semester’s list and may have missed someone. AND we miss you, of course.
Second, please mention this to fellow altos at the rehearsal on Saturday, 10/16, in case I inadvertently left someone OFF the alias.
If you are interested in attending an Alto sectional at Ellie’s house, please send her a message — addresses in the forwarded message, below (ellie [at] briscoe [dot] com). Specify which date you would be able to attend so she can get a count. I’m not sure I will be be there, so best to let Ellie know.
Ellie’s proposal:
Oct. 17, 7:30 pm (or else immediately after the Planets gig, since we’ll all be out and about)
Oct. 24, 2 – 4 pm.
After that, Mark’s Saturday rehearsal schedule kicks in.
She has a great set-up to sing along with the rehearsal CD, the recording and/or bang out notes on a keyboard. Also, two very friendly cats, in case of allergies.
Tags: altos, rehearsals, section leaders, sectional rehearsals
Posted in Fall 2010 | Comments Off on Extra Alto Rehearsals