Posts Tagged ‘washington metropolitan philharmonic’

Fourteenth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 14th and final rehearsal of Spring 2012!  Please sign in.

This has been a great year. Chichester Psalms, Civil War, Liturgy of St. John, Jazz Mass, Songs of Sunset and now Bernstien Barber and Sondheim. We have really made music this year!

Next Fall will include Mozart’s Mass in C minor, Antiphonal choruses by Gabrielli and Monteverdi, and more. Dates will be announced soon.

Sponsor WMPO– For the past several years the chorus has been a benefactor of the Washington Philharmonic Orchestra. I hope we can support this most worthy organization again this year. If you would like to contribute, please bring you contribution this week. Make checks to NVCC Foundation and we will write a single check from us to the WMP.

Youtube – Our first performance of Songs of Sunset is on Youtube. Check it out:

Photos – As you may have noticed, we had a professional photographer at the concert. His photos are available for viewing and purchase at

– I will have CDs of Chichester Psalms, Jazz Mass and Songs of Sunset next week. They will be only $5 each (cash or checks to NVCC Foundation).

The Spring Concert music files are posted at  I have CDs for those who prefer ($5 – cash or checks to NVCC Foundation).

Order of Music for our April 26 concert
Sure On This Shining Night
Not While I’m Around
Send in the Clowns
Life Is Happiness Indeed
Make Our Garden Grow

This Thursday, April 26 – Spring Concert, 6:00 6:30 pm Call, 7:00 7:30 pm concert

Other calendar items

Friday, April 27

4:00 pm – Voice Master Class by Dr. Karen Murphy, Professor of Collaborative Piano at Mississippi State University; Singers: Michelle McHugh, Terri LaGoe,
Jon DeHart, Brandon Homayouni

7:30 pm – Voice Recital by Jonathan Price, tenor, Masters candidate at New England Conservatory (son of former NVCC faculty Kathy Price)

Saturday, April 28, 3:00 pm

Graduation Voice Recital by Stacy Dumas, soprano (former chorus member)

Saturday, May 5, 5:00 pm
Applied Voice Recital

Saturday, May 12, 3 pm
Annual Chorus Picnic at Barcroft Park

Sing Well-DrW

Performance Promotion

Monday, March 19th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire:  Please publicize this concert by the NOVA Community Chorus (AL).
A flyer (.pdf) is attached.  (This is the corrected flyer.)

SONGS OF SUNSET By Frederick Delius

NOVA Community Chorus
Dr. Mark Whitmire, Director

with The Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic

Grace Gori, Mezzo-Soprano
& Aurelius Gori, Baritone

Saturday, March 31, 3pm
Church of the Epiphany
1317 G St, NW
Washington DC

Sunday, April 1, 3pm
Bishop Ireton High School
201 Cambridge Rd.
Alexandria, VA

$10 advance
$20 at the door


This concert is presented as a part of the Delius Society’s international celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the composer.

Eighth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-  Welcome to our 8th rehearsal of Fall 2011!  Please sign in.

Please return ticket money or unsold tickets to your Section Leader. I hope that each singer will sell five tickets at $10 each (Half price). Cash or checks to WMPA.

Auditions for non-majors to sing Rachmaninoff # 5, 6, 13, 18 will be tonight.
I have the following number of openings in each section: S-1, A-5, T-2, B-2

This Sunday, Oct. 30, 3:00 pm, is our Concert at Epiphany (1317 G St NW DC).
The Call is 2:00 pm.
Bring your friends and family!


Sat., Oct. 29, 1:00-2:15 pm Men’s Rehearsal, AT130
Sun., Oct. 30, 3:00 pm (2:00 pm call) Concert at Epiphany
Sat., Nov. 5, 1:00-2:15 pm Women’s Rehearsal, AT130
Tues., Nov. 8, 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal w/ Band, AT130 and Schlesinger
Thurs., Nov. 10, 8:00-8:30 pm Dress Rehearsal with the Band, Schlesinger
Fri., Nov. 11, 7:30 pm (6:30 pm call in AT130) Civil War Concert, Schlesinger
Tues., Nov. 29, 7:30 pm Rachmaninoff Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Thurs., Dec. 1, 7:30 pm (6:30 pm call in AT130) Holiday Concert, Schlesinger
Fri., Dec. 2, 7:30 pm (6:00 pm call) Rachmaninoff Concert, St. Katherine Church

Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers

Our October 23 concert has been moved to

October 30, 3:00 p.m.
Church of the Epiphany
1317 G Street NW
Washington, DC

A flyer (.pdf) is attached. A prettier one will be ready later.

The WMPO has returned to tickets. Each singer will get five to sell at $10 each (Half price).

Welcome to our 5th rehearsal of Fall 2011!

Please sign in.

If you are registered as a Senior, please consider making a donation in lieu of tuition. Donations of any amount are appreciated.

Please try not to be absent. If you miss more than two rehearsals during preparation for a concert, you will be asked to audition to demonstrate preparedness. Please notify Section Leaders of absences:
Soprano-Peggy, peggyh [at] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com
Alto-Debbie, peetz [at] rand [dot] org
Tenor-Larry, lgold2 [at] comcast [dot] net
Bass-Ray, rayjoyce2408 [at] verizon [dot] net

Please note Concert Dress Information sheet. [Admin: See September 7th entry -or – Attire guidelines are listed in the Performance Guidance (.pdf) document, always posted to the right.]

Thanks to all the men who attended rehearsal on Saturday. Special Thanks to Chris for directing in my absence. Once again, we had at great turnout.  This Saturday at 1:00 pm is Women’s rehearsal.

Auditions for the solos in Chichester Psalms will tonight September 27. Audition passages will be pp 15-16 and p 40. I strongly encourage all Voice Majors to audition.

Music Majors Mid-term is Tuesday, October 18. Exam passages will Rachmaninoff # 5, 6, 13, 18

Sing Well –DrW

Fourteenth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Welcome to our 14th rehearsal of Spring 2011!  Please sign in.

You were amazing on Sunday! It was surely the highest rung on our ladder of musical excellence. Your tone was excellent, diction was superb, entrances were secure. It was a stunning performance in every regard. I was very proud.

If you missed the concert for any reason, please see me tonight.

Contribution to WMPO – As you know, our relationship with the WMPO is priceless. I would like the NOVA Community Chorus to become a Sponsor again this year. If you are able to make a contribution, please make a check to NVCC Foundation.

Tonight – all of Brahms and all of Beethoven
This Saturday 4/23 – No Rehearsal
Next Tuesday 4/26 – Rehearsal in Schlesinger Center
Tuesday 5/3 -Band Chorus Concert, Schlesinger Center
Saturday 5/7 – 3:00 pm Annual Chorus Picnic at the Wulff’s

This has been the most rewarding year ever for our chorus!
We have moved steadily upward into the ranks of the finer choruses in Metropolitan Washington. Next year we will continue to grow, improve and excel. But I need everyone one of you back. I have planned excellent repertoire for the Fall:

Sundays, October 16 and 23: Concert with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic. Frederick Delius: Songs of Sunset, featuring Grace Gori (Mezzo-soprano) and Aurelius Gori (baritone).

Friday, November 11: Civil War Commemoration Concert with the Alexandria Band, Schlesinger

Thursday, December 1: Spring Concert. Rachmanov, Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Schlesinger

Sing well- DrW

Dress Rehearsal

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
-Today’s Dress Rehearsal (April 3) is at 5:00 pm. Please come at 4:00 pm to help Fred set up chairs if you are able. Everyone must arrive by 4:45 pm so that you are ready to begin on time. Please do not be late as it is very disruptive.
-The location is First Baptist Church, 2932 King St., Alexandria
-Please listen carefully to Fred prior to the rehearsal. Please listen carefully to Ul during the rehearsal. No talking whatsoever during the rehearsal. Most questions that you might have can be answered by simply paying very close attention.
-Please do not miss this rehearsal. If you are a music major an absence will result in a failing grade.
-Thanks for letting me spend today with my daughter on her birthday. I know you will make me proud.

Dress Rehearsal

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

From Stage Manager Fred:  New information about our dress rehearsal this Sunday.

From Archie Doering, Building Superintendent:  Everyone should enter through the doors marked 4.  They are on the side of the building next to the big parking lot.  Go to the right, once inside, to areas 150A and 150B.

From the Orchestra:
First Baptist Church of Alexandria’s Welcome Center
2932 King Street
Alexandria, VA

The schedule:
4:00 PM  Setup
5:00 PM  Beethoven, Movement 4 with Chorus.  When we are finished working with the chorus, movements 2, 1 and 3
See you Sunday!

Eleventh Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Spring 2011!  Please sign in.

Beethoven– Ul James is here to work with you tonight at 8:15 pm. We will work without a break and dismiss a bit early (no later than 9:30 pm). Then I will work with soloists for the 5/3 performance.

This Sunday (April 3) at 5:00 pm is our Dress Rehearsal with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic. The location has been changed:
New location:
First Baptist Church
2932 King St.
Alexandria, Virginia

The church is 2.6 miles from the college on King Street toward Old Town.
The rehearsal is in the Welcome Center, located on the right side of the property.

We will not have risers, but will sit in 3 rows of 40 chairs, encircling the orchestra.

Brahms Love Song Waltzes # 1-6-You can find your notes at
Rehearsal CDs- I have 28 copes for any singers who are unable to download your parts.

This Saturday
1 pm – Full Rehearsal Rehearsal (SATB) EVERYONE
4 pm – Francisco Robles Graduation Voice Recital

Sing Well- DrW

Calendar (.pdf)

Rehearsal Update

Monday, March 28th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers-
The location of this Sunday’s (April 3) 5:00 pm Dress Rehearsal with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic has been changed:
New location:
First Baptist Church
2932 King St.
Alexandria, Virginia

The church is 2.6 miles from the college on King Street toward Old Town.
The rehearsal is in the Welcome Center, located on the right side of the property.
We will not have risers, but will sit in 3 rows of 40 chairs, encircling the orchestra.

Please be ultra-prepared for tomorrow night when Ulysses James will be here to conduct. Please do not be absent.

WMP Performances

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

From Dr. Whitmire:  Dear Singers- Thanks for a very productive rehearsal tonight. It was very hard work, but you kept focused and had a wonderful energy and attitude.

The WMP is performing Jonathan Kolm’s orchestra piece Prophecies. Dr. Kolm is our piano and composition professor. Please attend if you can.  We are trying to stack the deck in his favor since audience members get to vote.

3pm Sunday, February 13, 2011 – Church of the Epiphany (1317 G St, NW Washington, DC 20005)
3pm Sunday, February 20, 2011 – Bishop Ireton High School (201 Cambridge Road, Alexandria, VA 22314)

Also on the program:

Antonin Dvorak – Piano Concerto, op. 33, G minor, with solo pianist Stephen Bertino
Samuel Barber – Capricorn Concerto, with soloists Emily Bentgen (oboe), Lynn Ann Zimmerman (flute), and Brett Lemley (trumpet)
– Unique works by top three finalists of the WMP 2010-11 Composition Competition

Orchestra Rehearsal

Saturday, November 13th, 2010

From Stage Manager Fred:  Chorus:

Mark will direct “our” orchestra for the first time this Sunday at 5:30 PM in the Bishop Ireton HS Cafeteria. It is their rehearsal but it provides an opportunity for us to get to know them, too. If you are new to the chorus, it is a great time to find your way to the high school for the first time (rather than wait until the dress rehearsal) and to experience how it will sound with this particular orchestra (they are learning it, too).

It is at 201 Cambridge Road in Alexandria,  just north of Duke Street up on the hill.
If you approach it via Duke St, going East, Cambridge Rd. (traffic light for left turn) is two  streets past Quaker Lane (traffic light). Park in the first parking lot (over looking Duke St.) and go straight into the building by the most obvious doors. We will be in the cafeteria which is to your left. So are the rest rooms. The auditorium and band rehearsal room that we will use for the concert are to your right.

Sit in sections (Soprano, Alto, etc.) and be quiet. It is the orchestra’s rehearsal.

[Admin: For those who prefer Google Maps:  Bishop Ireton High School]