From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-Welcome to our 11th rehearsal of Fall 2010!
Please sign in.
At this table, take note of word correction to On with the Snow.
If you were absent last week, pick up Verdi Requiem Rehearsal CDs. The 2-CD set is $10. Make checks to NVCC Foundation.
Thanks to the great group who attended Sunday’s rehearsal with orchestra. I was happy to have you there.
This Saturday (11/20) we have a Full Rehearsal 1:00 to 2:15 pm here in AT130. Please plan to attend.
This Sunday (11/21) is our Dress Rehearsal at Bishop Ireton High School (201 Cambridge Rd). This rehearsal is mandatory. THE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 6:00-8:30 PM.
12/5-12/12 Soloists please stay after rehearsal tonight.
Tags: attendance, dr. whitmire, judas, performances, rehearsal tracks, rehearsals, verdi requiem