Archive for the ‘Spring 2016’ Category

Next Semester

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
One more time, let me thank you for a great semester of music-making. Bach and Handel–how good does it get?

Please register for Spring now. If you registered for MUS 237 as a paying student last term, please do so again so that we can have our Saturday rehearsal. As of now there is only 1 registered. If you are senior who normally registers from MUS 137, there is no need to pay as we will have enough paying students. If you are not a senior please register now. As of now there are only 10 registered.

Vocal Seminar
If you are an intermediate or advanced sing, please sign up for MUS198 Vocal Seminar.

Class Voice
If you are a beginning singers or need a refresher course, sing up for MUS 131 Class Voice.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Please do not delay as under enrolled classes are subject to cancellation on January 5.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. I look forward to seeing at our first rehearsal on January 12.


Till ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Performances Page

Sunday, December 13th, 2015

As photo albums, recordings and programs become available, they are posted to the Performances page, listed on the tab above.

Post Concert

Friday, December 11th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers,

Thanks for an awesome concert last night and for a great semester. I really enjoyed having you in chorus.

Very important: Go to and complete the course evaluation. Please do it now. The last possible day is this Sunday 12-13.

If you didn’t get a recording of our Bach concert, I will have CDs when I return to campus on Monday and Tuesday.

I look forward to seeing everyone in January, Have a great holiday!


Final Tuesday Rehearsal Preview

Monday, November 30th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our final Tuesday rehearsal of Fall 2015! Please sign in.

Thanks for a great dress rehearsal with the orchestra last night. You sounded wonderful!

Tickets- Every singer should have 5 Messiah tickets. If not, see your section leader. Sell them for $10 each (half-price!) or buy them and give them as gifts. Cash or checks made to WMPA. It is important that we support the orchestra by selling tickets.

This week we rehearse in Schlesinger. We will run Messiah, all movements twice-once in seats and once on risers. At the end I will rehearse basses on the fast passages of For unto us and His yoke is easy.


Tuesday, December 1 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Saturday, December 5 – 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call
G. W. Masonic Memorial, 101 Callahan Dr, Alexandria

Sunday, December 6 – 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call
Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW Washington DC

Tuesday, December 8 – No Chorus Rehearsal

Thursday, December 10 – 7:30 pm NVCC Holiday Concert, Schlesinger. 6:30 pm Call

Sunday, December 13 – 3:00 p.m. Messiah Sing-along at Virginia Episcopal Seminary (3737 Seminary Rd, Alexandria, VA 22304). If you would like to participate, please send me an e-mail with “optional Messiah” in the subject line. You must attend the Saturday 12/12 10:00 am rehearsal. I’d like more of my “Under 30” singers to sign up!

Next Semester we have some wonderful music coming up: Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert, Carl Nielsen’s Spring in Funen and a reprise of Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms (written the same year NVCC was founded). If you know good singers who want to join us, let me know. I need all of you back. If you are not able to sing with us in the Spring, please let me know. I don’t want anyone to slip quietly away.

Spring 2016 Calendar
Tuesday, February 16 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Tuesday, February 23 – Black History Month Celebration, Schlesinger
Sunday, April 3 – Dress Rehearsal with WMPO
Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)
Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)
Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger (NVCC 50th Anniversary Concert)

Let’s be our best. In order for us to be the best chorus we can be, each of us must be the best singer we can be. Toward that end, please consider taking Class Voice (Mon 4:30 –7:15 pm) or Vocal Seminar (Saturday 12:30-2:30 pm) with me.

Another very cool class I am teaching is MUS 121 Music Appreciation (Friday 9:;00 am – 12:15 pm). Our topic is World Music. Ellie Briscoe, Larry Goldschmidt, Marion Mangus or Tom Munger can tell you about it . It is fascinating. I would love to have more choristers in the class.

Message to my current Vocal Seminar Students who may not check Blackboard
December 5 – class meets 10 am to 12 noon
December 12 – 2:00 pm Final Recital – Sing 2 songs (All are invited! How about we go have a refreshing beverage and toast a great year?)


Twelfth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Welcome to our 12th rehearsal of Fall 2015! Please sign in.

Tonight-Messiah, all movements

This Sunday, Nov. 29 is our 5:30 pm Dress Rehearsal with WMPO. Don’t miss it!


Sunday, November 29 – 5:30 pm Dress Rehearsal with WMPO (note time change)
Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill, 3606 Seminary Rd, Alexandria, VA 22302

Tuesday, December 1 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Saturday, December 5 – 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call
G. W. Masonic Memorial, 101 Callahan Dr, Alexandria

Sunday, December 6 – 3:00 pm Concert, 2:00 pm Call
Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW Washington DC

Tuesday, December 8 – No Chorus Rehearsal

Thursday, December 10 – 7:30 pm NVCC Holiday Concert, Schlesinger. 6:30 pm Call

Sunday, December 13 – 3:00 p.m. Messiah Sing-along at Virginia Episcopal Seminary (3737 Seminary Rd, Alexandria, VA 22304). If you would like to participate, please send me an e-mail with “optional Messiah” in the subject line. You must attend the Saturday 12/12 10:00 am rehearsal. I’d like more of my “Under 30” singers to sign up!

Message to my Vocal Seminar Students who may not check Blackboard
November 28 – no class
December 5 – class meets 10 am to 12 noon
December 12 – 2:00 pm Final Recital – Sing 2 songs (All are invited! How about we go have a refreshing beverage and toast a great year?)

PS- Everyone who is taking Voice Lessons would benefit and enjoy my Vocal Seminar. Please consider joining us in the Spring.


Ellington, Messiah, Recruitment

Sunday, November 8th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

(1) As promised, attached is a Duke Ellington chorus that we will sing at the Black History Month Celebration on February 23. I think it will be a fun break from all our Messiah rehearsing this week. Here is a link to a good performance. It is the whole work, so scroll over to 47:15 to hear this song, Almighty God.

(2) If you want to sing the Messiah with me on December 13 at 3 pm (rehearsal December 12 at 10 am), please let me know asap. It is a part of the year-long celebration of the beautiful new chapel at Virginia Theological Seminary. It should be a fun event.

(3) I talked about my desire to recruit more young singers, and I had a productive meeting with my singers under thirty last Tuesday. I heard some good ideas, including about spreading the word via social media. I feel sure I have left someone out. If so, please let me know. I don’t want to leave any one out. Here is my list: Nora, Daniel, Kris, Luise, Claire, Eva, Seho, Francisco, James, Sarah Jane, Kaylee, Veronica


Great Year

Friday, May 8th, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
What an excellent job you did at our May 1 concert. Each of our three pieces was so wonderful in its own way. I will be earth was transcendent and spiritual just as I had hoped.
The Settling Years was joyous, exuberant and very interesting, and the women raised the roof on Still I rise. Specials thanks to Joy and Kaylee who really brought it. It was a very special evening.

This has been a great season and a great year. From the Black History Month Concert in February to the Leavitt Requiem in April and the Women’s Concert in May—so much wide-ranging music, all performed with distinction. Not to mention the fabulous Mozart concert last October and Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs in December. Your commitment and hard work have yielded such fabulous music-making. You have made me very proud.

Please don’t miss
The Annual Chorus Picnic
Saturday May 9 2-6 pm at the home of Fred and Judy Wulff
6551 Columbia Pike, Annandale

Next Fall we will be singing music of J.S. Bach (Ein Feste Burg) and Handel’s Messiah. How good can it get. I hope every single one of you will be with me again. Tell your friends who a good singers about our upcoming season and they will want to join.

Have a wonderful summer.


NOVA Community Chorus
Calendar 2015-2016


Tuesday, October 20 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Tuesday, October 27 – 7:30 pm Annual Chorus Benefit Concert, Schlesinger

Sunday, November 29 – 5:00 pm Dress Rehearsal with WMPO

Tuesday, December 1 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Saturday, December 5 – 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)

Sunday, December 6 – 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)

Thursday, December 10 – 7:30 pm NVCC Holiday Concert, Schlesinger

Sunday, December 13 – VTS Sing-Along Messiah (optional)


Tuesday, February 16 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Tuesday, February 23 – Black History Month Celebration, Schlesinger

Sunday, April 3 – Dress Rehearsal with WMPO

Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)

Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)

Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger

Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger

Tenth Rehearsal Preview

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

From Dr. Whitmire:
Welcome to our 10th rehearsal of Spring 2015! Please sign in.

Thanks for a great Concert on Sunday. The most obvious thing was the sheer beauty of thesound. Many people remarked about that. Yes, there was a big missed entrance and a few spots that we weren’t together, but the overall effect was very good and many passages were absolutely transcendent. On April 12 we will really nail it. Paul will be there.

Absent? If you missed Sunday’s Concert for any reason, please see me. It you had previously spoken to me of an unavoidable conflict, please remind me.

Tonight 3/31 we will begin rehearsing in earnest for our May concert (The Settling Years, I will be earth, Still I rise [women]). I will still leave time for at the second half of the Requiem.

Please sell tickets. Our share of the expenses for this concert are almost $5000. The orchestra has expenses too. Sell your five or buy them and give them as gifts to your friends and family (Our tickets are $10; they are $20 at the door). Cash orchecks made to WMPO.

No Rehearsal this Saturday. Enjoy the holiday weekend.
April 11 will be a full rehearsal. We have to get ready for the concert.

Sunday, 4/12/15, 3:00 pm, 2:00 pm call
Church of the Epiphany (1317 G St. NW Washington)

Friday 5/1/15, 7:30 pm

Saturdays (Please note changes)
April 4 no rehearsal
April 11 all
April 18 women
April 25 all


NOVA Community Chorus
Calendar 2015-2016

Tuesday, October 20 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Tuesday, October 27 – 7:30 pm Annual Chorus Benefit Concert, Schlesinger
Sunday, November 29 – 5:00 pm Dress Rehearsal with WMPO
Tuesday, December 1 – 7:30 pm Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Saturday, December 5 – 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)
Sunday, December 6 – 3:00 pm Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)
Thursday, December 10 – 7:30 pm NVCC Holiday Concert, Schlesinger
Sunday, December 13 – VTS Sing-Along Messiah (optional)

Tuesday, February 16 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Tuesday, February 23 – Black History Month Celebration, Schlesinger
Sunday, April 3 – Dress Rehearsal with WMPO
Sunday, April 10 – Concert with WMPO (Epiphany)
Sunday, April 17 – Concert with WMPO (Masonic Memorial)
Tuesday, April 26 – Dress Rehearsal, Schlesinger
Friday, May 6 – NVCC Spring Concert, Schlesinger