Vocal Seminar Students

November 21st, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-

-This message is to all my Vocal Seminar students and those might want to join us.
-Miraculously, I am able to offer Vocal Seminar class again in the Spring (MUS 19801a, Sat 12:30-2:30 pm). It is one of my favorite course to teach. All I need now is lots of enrollments. Otherwise, they’ll shuffle me over to Basic Musicianship or some other class.
What is Vocal Seminar? you may ask. It’s a weekly opportunity for you to perform songs with a spectacular pianist (Chris Hagan) and receive instruction in vocal technique, style, diction, etc from me.
It is a very fun and rewarding class.
-Before Vocal Seminar you should take Class Voice (MUS 131, Mon/Tues 6:00-7:15 pm). There you will gain the solid vocal technique and musicianship skills you will need in Vocal Seminar. Also, lots of fun – ask around. Worth repeating if you took it before.
-The more choristers we can get into these classes, the better our chorus will sound.

See you tomorrow at 11:00 am.

PS – There will be a Voice Recital on Saturday, December 6, at 3:00 pm. Singers from my Vocal Seminar will sing. Come hear them.

PS- It would be great if some of my seniors could register as paying students. Otherwise I fear they might cancel us or reassign me before senior registration begins.

Also- 2 choristers, Tom Munger (bass) and Marty Maher (soprano), are in my Friday morning Music Appreciation (MUS12005a) class. This class has been redesigned to be be a world music course and I think this first semester has been really interesting. Check with them and see if they agree. We have had some fascinating and lively discussions.

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