
October 23rd, 2012

From Chorister Maria: Can you please pass along to the chorus.  An opportunity to sign the Messiah with the West Potomac HS choirs and community. Thanks. Flyer (.pdf)
Dear friends

Some of you have already signed up, but this is an open invitation to sing Handel’s Messiah, Pt. 1, with WP choirs, orchestra, and alumni soloists . Many of you have joined us in the past, and I hope you’ll return, and bring some friends! Make as many rehearsals as you can – but no penalty for missing a few. Rehearsal CDs will be available. Bring whatever score you have – We have been using the Leonard Van Camp edition, published by Roger Dean. But the page numbers match up with the Schirmer edition, which  you may have if you  have done this before. If you don’t have a score, I’ll provide one for you  – new $10, used $5.  There is also a participation fee of $20 to help cover costs of the program.

Please join us!!! And spread the word – all are invited – first timers AND seasoned singers. Share this with colleagues, at your place of worship, neighbors, and alumni of WP!


Ernest Johnson
Choral Director
West Potomac HS
6500 Quander Rd
Alexandria, VA


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