Concert Reminders

February 22nd, 2014

From Dr. Whitmire: Hello Singers-

-The call on Tuesday is 6:30 pm in Schlesinger. Please be seated at the front of the hall at that time.
-Dress: Men–Tuxes (or dark suit, white shirt and black bow tie); Women- black long v-neck dresses (or black blouse and black slacks)
-At concert time chorus is seated at the back of the hall (except Go down Moses singers)
-At intermission chorus takes the stage:
Altos stage left, all rows; sopranos stage right, all rows; tenors center front; basses center back (we’ll work out details at 6:30 PM)
-There is a  slight change in the Jazz Mass order. Please mark and arrange your music accordingly.

Jazz Mass for Dr. King
This is the day
reading: Bernie Cohen
reading Dorothea Kamara
Love is the unfamiliar name
reading: DeMarcus Bolds
Agnus Dei
Precious Lord

This is going to a great. Invite your friends and family today!

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