Saturday Rehearsals

August 24th, 2013

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Singers-
I would like to have rehearsals every Saturday 12 noon – 1:15 pm beginning September 14 (except Nov. 30). We will divide by section S-A-T-B with the Section Leaders leading the rehearsal using rehearsal CDs. When a Section Leader is absent, he or she can appoint someone to lead or Chris or I will step in. We’ll meet in the classrooms and practice rooms. We’ll try it this way at least until we havelearned the notes. We used this format this summer and it seemed to be veryproductive. As you know, Saturday rehearsals are optional. I know you can’t come every week–just come as often as you can. We will evaluate thisplan mid-semester, and make changes as necessary. I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

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