Music Majors

October 8th, 2012

From Dr. Whitmire: Dear Music Majors-
As promised, your mid-term exam will be this Saturday, October 13, 2:00-4:00 pm, following Women’s rehearsal. We will meet as a group and I will ask you to sing in quartets. You will be asked to sing (1) an excerpt from a movement of the Bach Magnificat, and (2) and excerpt from one of the Italian antiphonal choruses: Jubilate Deo, Diligam te, or Laudate Jerusalem. Assessment will be as follows:
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct pitches (0-30 points)
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct rhythms (0-30 points)
-ablilty to sing to sing the correct words (0-20 points)
-overall tone quality (0-10 points)
-overall musicality (0-10 points)

According to my records, the following students are Music Majors. If you want to receive a degree in music, but are not on this list, please let me know. [See e-mail for list]

Once everyone has finished singing, let’s stay for a brief social hour. I will order pizza and sodas.
Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.


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