Chorus Picnic

April 6th, 2010

From Fred: Our chorus picnic will be on Saturday, May 8 beginning around 3 pm.

It is a great opportunity to complete our class/concert year by spending a few hours outdoors getting to know and enjoy the wonderful people you’ve been singing with. Bring your family or friend.

It is a “pot luck” affair. Bring your favorite food and/or drink to share. Place it on the long table and spend the rest of the day resting, playing (croquet, volley ball, horseshoes, etc.), munching, whatever. Mason District Park is next door if you want to go for a really long walk in the woods.

Map and pictures attached.

Map: Picnic Map (.pdf)

Croquet 1: Link to Photo

Croquet 2: Link to Photo

[Admin Repost] From Fred: See: for a LOT of good pictures.

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