Stage Direction – December 3 Concert

November 17th, 2009

From Fred: We will begin the concert at 7:30 pm with the Rutter Gloria and 5 Christmas Carols. Chris will accompany us. We’ll be on standing risers in front of the stage with chairs in front. We’ll return to our seats in the front rows of the audience.

The band will play their concert. Then we’ll file back onto the risers and sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the Band. (Don’t Worry!! The music will appear.) Last year we invited the audience to sing with us and a surprising number did.

Rehearsal begins at 6:30 pm. Be in your designated chairs in the audience before then.

The band will warm up. We’ll go on the risers and rehearse the Hallelujah Chorus with them. They leave. We warm up some more and return to our chairs as our audience comes in.

We’ll go on the risers at 7:30 and the concert begins. If the audience is late we’ll stay in our audience seats until told to go up.

See you tonight.

Poster from our Art Dept. attached: (updated 5:30 pm) Poster, original file size (6.3MB) | Poster, reduced file size

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